We love our dogs don't we? Big, small or tiny they leave a permanent imprint on our hearts.
This past year, we had to say goodbye to two of our three little dogs. Skjegg our 12 pounds yorkie passed away a year ago, Kumpa our tiny yorkie passed a month ago. My husband and I shed many tears after loosing them. How can you not be impacted by 15 years of joy and love and not feel a great sense of loss when they are no longer with you?
One thing I discovered, Kumpa my little 4 pound Yorkie, who was only 2.5 pounds at the end of her life, was the biggest personality in the house. When I came home the house was always rocking with barking. My dogs--our boarding guest dogs-- everyone was barking. Then my little one would run laps around the house with one of her favorite little toys in her mouth. She continued to do laps for 5 to 10 minutes every time I came home, even if I was only out for a few minutes. I loved watching her express her happiness at mommy being home again.
Now that she is gone, I come home to a very quiet house. Bella, the only one left of our three dogs, many times doesn't even get out of bed to greet me. Bella is wonderful and loving, but the house is very quiet. In time, I think we will get another tiny terror or two who will hopefully bring as much joy into our lives for the next 10 to 15 years.

My little Kumpa
I miss those noisy homecomings, but it has been very comforting to have our guest dogs come and spend their vacations with us. We have had so many wonderful little dogs here through out the years
Here is a video of two recent guests-- Sadie and Shayna who became best friends! This is why I LOVE being The Doggie Nanny!
If you live on Long Island and are need of boarding for your little dog, we offer private home boarding for small breed dogs, 15 pounds and under. While they are here, we treat them like family. No cages, or crates. They live with us like our own personal pets.
One word of advice-- wherever you decide to board your little dog-- DO NOT leave them with a facility or person who mixes big and little dogs. That is a disaster waiting to happen. Don't do it.
Long Island Small Dog Boarding With The Doggie Nanny. TLC for little doggies...minis, toys and teacups.  www.doggienanny.com
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